Trade fly fishing gear for 6.5 creedmoor or .243 WIN
I am looking to trade some fly fishing gear for either a 6.5 Creedmoor or a .243 win rifle. I WOULD EVEN TAKE THE NEWEST SAVAGE AXIS XP SCOPED SET UP IN 6.5 CREEDMOOR. I would also entertain trading for 1 or 2 shotguns that are capable of shooting steel for waterfowl. I have quite a bit of stuff ranging from 3 or 4 rods, tons of flies, waders, wading boots, belly boat, flippers to go onto the wading boots, a little net, and a small backpack to carry all of the fly boxes and gear.
Depending on the quality of rifle offered in a trade will determine which items I would offer up.
Send me your offers and hopefully we can work something out. I can take the gear down from my garage shelf to take pictures for anyone interested with a serious offer.
Could work out a deal to meet half way.