3 year old Anatolian shepherd mix dog$20
197views7 months ago
3 year old Anatolian shepherd mix dog - 1 - 1077289-1724629120
3 year old Anatolian shepherd mix dog - 2 - 1077289-1724629120_0
3 year old Anatolian shepherd mix dog - 3 - 1077289-1724629120_1
Looking to rehome my dog. Preferably to a farm or an acreage or house with large yard . He is 3 years old very smart and a good alert dog. He weighs 150 pounds he is a big boy . If you are interested please email or text at 404-808-1725 . This dog is going to a good home only no exceptions! Thanks
Phone: 4038081725
Town: Calgary
Ad Id: 1077289

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