Rehoming my livestock guardian dog$0
279views5 months ago
Rehoming my livestock guardian dog - 1 - 1089309-1727810280
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Rehoming my livestock guardian dog - 14 - 1089309-1727810280_12
Rehoming my livestock guardian dog - 15 - 1089309-1727810280_13
Hi everyone this is my 3 year old Great Pyrenees/Australian Shepherd mix. Unfortunately I have to rehome him due to his protective nature and he does not do well in the city and in my living situation/circumstances. He would do amazing as a guardian dog on a farm or acreage. He does not do well with small children, children over 10 should be okay. Does not do well with other male dogs, not sure about females he had tolerated them in the past. He is very gentle and loving when it comes to those he trusts and his family. Please call or text me at the number provided. He is free, as long as he goes to someone who will love him. I can bring him /transport him if needed. I need to rehome him by Friday October 4th at the latest.
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Phone: 8259657838
Town: Edmonton
Ad Id: 1089309
User: Guest User

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