Ranch Family Looking for a Ranch / FarmTBD
332views2 months ago
I am the Husband and father of a family of Ranchers / Farmers. Our family ranch was sold in 2008 and we are looking to get back to the land. We are not rich but are rich in desire. You have a family ranch / Farm w/ no succession plan. You hate the idea of your family brand and land being bought up by an investor, corporation or Hutterite Colony. We as a family are looking for an opportunity to own / manage a 400 - 600 head ranch / 3000 - 6000 acre grain and cereal Farm. We want to make the transition work for both parties. You have a multi-million dollar operation, would you like payments or a lump sum...... we will work together to protection of your wealth, and find a manageable way for us to farm / ranch. We want to stay in Alberta or S.W. Saskatchewan. Reach out and lets see if we can make something work!!!! Thanks for reading and considering this ad.
Phone: 4033055049
Town: Calgary
Ad Id: 1074481

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Ranch Family Looking for a Ranch / Farm · Real Estate and Rentals in Calgary · TownPost