.45 acp & 9mm ammo50$
106views10 months ago
.45 acp & 9mm ammo - 1 - 1035504-1714500444
.45 acp & 9mm ammo - 2 - 1035504-1714500444_0
.45 acp & 9mm ammo - 3 - 1035504-1714500444_1
.45 acp & 9mm ammo - 4 - 1035504-1714500444_2
.45 acp & 9mm ammo - 5 - 1035504-1714500444_3
300 Rounds Winchester .45 - 240$ 25 rounds pdx1 - 25$ 250 rounds western ammunition 9mm - 125$ 350 Winchester 9mm - 175$ About 200 rounds of mixed 9mm (mostly Winchester) - 90$ Willing to negotiate if taking lots. Pickup in cochrane