Various bullets for sale or trade. More addedvaries
5.3Kviews8 months ago
Various bullets for sale or trade. More added - 1 - 851535-1687219933_0
I have a few boxes and part boxes of bullets that I no longer need. Best for me would be to trade for what is listed in my other add for trade options in this category but willing to sell. Would also be interested to trade for some 20 cal 33 or 39 grain Calhoon bullets. You can pick up in DV or pay for shipping or, if trading we each pay our own way. - 25 cal Berger 115 grain VLD Match. A part box of 45 pcs - 25 cal Sierra 117 grain. A part box of 27 pcs - 6.5 cal Swift A-Frame 120 grain. A part box of 42 pcs - 30 cal Berger 125 grain FB Target. Two boxes (100 pcs each)