Firewood for Sale$175.00
7.7Kviews3 weeks ago
Firewood for Sale - 1 - 272080-1703111604
Selling firewood bucked or split. Poplar, Spruce, Pine, tamarack, and Birch. Your choice. Delivery to the Edson, Peers, Niton, Evansburg, Whitecourt and Hinton area. Sold in cords, half cords, box loads long or short. Poplar- bucked: 175 split: 200 Pine/spruce- bucked: 225 split: 250 Birch- bucked: 425 split: 450 Tamarack- bucked: 375 split: 400 Kindling bundles - 5 each Free large chopping block with every order. Delivery is extra 35$ per cord, up to 45km. Txting is best but can call as well. 7807286547
Phone: 7807286547
Town: Edson
Ad Id: 272080

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Firewood for Sale · Yard and Garden in Edson · TownPost