Bunch of Cheap Scopes$80
1.1Kviews1 year ago
Bunch of Cheap Scopes - 1 - 989069-1704147305
Bunch of Cheap Scopes - 2 - 989069-1704147305_0
All prices include standard shipping. No damage on any, may have slight ring mounting marks. Can come with cheap rings for extra $10. Top to bottom 1. Cabelas calibre specific 3-12x40 270 win. $120 2. Weaver 3-9x40 $120 3. Bushnell 4x40 old school Korea build, paint missing on turret cap. $100 4. Tasco omni-view 4x40 Japan built. Turret caps scuffed and rub mark in paint. SOLD 5. Bushnell 3-9x40 like new from a ruger american scoped rifle combo SOLD