New Scope rings, Leupold, 30mm, 1", Ruger semi's, Leupold/Burris bases$25
65views2 months ago
New Scope rings, Leupold, 30mm, 1", Ruger semi's, Leupold/Burris bases - 1 - 1735517605805_scope rings
Have some extra NIB rings 1) Leupold 1", STD low rings. (.650) Matte, Leupold STD Medium rings (.770) Matte $45 shipped 2) Simmons 30mm Matte Medium for up to 40mm obj lens Weaver bases $35 shipped 3) Simmons 1" Silver Medium for up to 40mm obj lens Weaver bases $30 shipped 4) Simmons 1" Silver .22/airgun rings, for 3/8 dovetail base $25 shipped 5) Tasco 1" Black Aluminum Medium $25 shipped 6) Weaver 1" integral see through mounts for Ruger semi auto 44's (ie Deerstalker). Ideal for these rifles, hard to find. $60 shipped. 7) NIB Burris bases, one piece (SU-70A 410233, SU-700LA 410223, SU BA 410210). Two pieceTU 70A 410284. $35 shipped. 8) NIB Leupold one piece bases: Standard BA, all Browing Auto rifles, STD FN, FN mauser and mauser actions, STD 700SA-Spec, Long base for Remingtion Short Action 700, STD R77 for Ruger M77 long or short action, STD W94 for winchester 94's, STD 788 for Rem 788's, STD M for Mauser 95 and 98, STD BLA for Browing Lever actions, STD HC for Husq, JC Higgins, S&W, Carl Gustav, $40 shipped Rings will be shipped in a flat rate CP box, multiples can ship for cheaper.
Town: Creston
Ad Id: 1110825

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New Scope rings, Leupold, 30mm, 1", Ruger semi's, Leupold/Burris bases · Sporting Goods in Creston · TownPost