Custom remington 783 300win$2000
1.1Kviews1 year ago
Custom remington 783 300win - 1 - 983239-1702677989
Custom remington 783 300win - 2 - 983239-1702677989_0
Custom remington 783 300win - 3 - 983239-1702677989_1
Custom remington 783 300win - 4 - 983239-1702677989_2
Custom remington 783 300 win mag has custom muzzle break timiny trigger Boyd's stock comes with bushnell forged 4.5-27x50 rifle scope tally 20 moa rail gun is sighted and dialed in with all the ballistics from 200-1000 yards dropped an elk and a white tail this year at 700+ no problem it's one hell of a tack driver kicks less then a 22mag askin 2500 obo please text 403-660-4491
Custom remington 783 300win · Sporting Goods in Grande Prairie · TownPost