3 year old toy poodle$1500
616views1 year ago
3 year old toy poodle - 1 - 987346-1703728822
3 year old toy poodle - 2 - 987346-1703728822_0
3 year old toy poodle - 3 - 987346-1703728822_1
3 year old toy poodle - 4 - 987346-1703728822_2
This is Winston. He was born June 12 2020. He is a toy poodle. He weighs 12 pounds. Winston is the calmest boy you'll ever meet. He walks great on his leash. He is great with kids (raised with 4) and other dogs. He knows his basic commands: sit, down, come, go to your bed. He is on a raw food diet ( we buy his food in bulk at Bone and Biscuit). Some things you need to know - He is completely non shedding - He broke his leg at 6 months old on the ice and needed surgery. His one foot is slightly facing out now because of this but it does not affect his walking, running, playing -He is not fixed This decision to re home Winnie doesn't come easy to us. We are not in a rush to re home him. Our family situation has changed and we can no longer provide Winnie the life he deserves. We are hoping a new family can take him in and provide him the best care. He loves to cuddle and be close with his people. He is completely house trained, he never chews objects and is always well behaved when we are out. He will come with his vet booklet, leash, harness, bed, and any remaining food. We are asking $1500. We are located in Leduc. Call or Text 780 298 0632
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Town: Leduc
Ad Id: 987346
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