Blaser F3 COMPETITION for sale with full set of Briley chocks and accessories$6700
395views9 months ago
Blaser F3 COMPETITION for sale with full set of Briley chocks and accessories - 1 - 1047102-1717552720
Blaser F3 COMPETITION for sale with full set of Briley chocks and accessories - 2 - 1047102-1717552720_0
Blaser F3 COMPETITION for sale The gun is a very nice gun, easy to swing, and reacts fast. Includes the following: 1. High-Grade wood Comb Stock 2. 30-inch Barrels 3. Set of Blaser/ Briley Extended Choke Tubes, 4. HIVIZ LitePipe Front Sight 5. Blaser Hard Case Priced for sale, or best offers