Savage 64 bull barrel 22. 350.00 OBO
742views1 year ago
Savage 64 bull barrel 22 - 1 - 990872-1704560910
Savage 64 bull barrel 22 - 2 - 990872-1704560910_0
Savage 64 bull barrel 22 - 3 - 990872-1704560910_1
Savage 64 bull barrel 22 - 4 - 990872-1704560910_2
Almost new Savage 64 FV-SR Precision 22 caliber target rifle. Fluted Bull Barrel with screw end for suppressor. Scope was sold a while ago. Comes with two 10 round clips. . I have no need for three gopher guns. I will keep the Sako. Pick up in Red Deer
Savage 64 bull barrel 22 · Sporting Goods in Red Deer · TownPost