Gorgeous Cockapoo puppies$1500
684views1 year ago
Gorgeous Cockapoo puppies - 1 - 969271-1701306414
Gorgeous Cockapoo puppies - 2 - 969271-1701306414_0
Gorgeous Cockapoo puppies - 3 - 969271-1701306414_1
Gorgeous Cockapoo puppies - 4 - 969271-1701306414_2
These beautiful pups will add so much joy to your home! We have dropped our price to speed finding their homes. Our parent dogs are DNA tested and cleared. We only use adult dogs that give you the best temperament pups. We have been raising pups for almost 20 yrs Our pups come with ❣️first vaccinations ❣️vet check ❣️health guarantee ❣️spay/Neuter agreement ❣️puppy pack ❣️lifetime breeder support ❣️owner connect group ❣️lifetime of love When you are looking for a new furry family member we know you want someone you can trust and that is who we strive to be. Check out our website and Facebook and Instagram page. We love what we do and it shows in your new pup! www.stonecutterpuppies.ca
Phone: 4033964021
Town: Rimbey
Ad Id: 969271

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april klippenstein

Member since Jun 2022


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