Premium Goldendoodle Pups from Top Ranking Reputable Breeder$1800
245views9 months ago
Premium Goldendoodle Pups from Top Ranking Reputable Breeder - 1 - 1043873-1716716375
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If you are looking to invest in your family & future I have the perfect furry member to grow your family by 4 feet! A dog is a 10-15 year life commitment. You want to start this life devotion with genetic health, temperament & trait perfection from an experienced breeder with excellent bloodlines & exceptional puppy program. You want to find the perfect puppy with greatest potential for lifetime health & longevity. You have come to the right place! ColioCo Doodles has been ranked in the top 4 Goldendoodle breeders in Alberta since 2021! We are relocating to an acreage outside Lloydminster in June! At ColioCo Doodles we produce genetic excellence. Our health tested Goldendoodles carry no genetic markers for any genetic disease, illness or defect and we have normal OFA certifications. Our dogs will not pass on any negative genetics to your puppy as they have none to pass on! You can start this family investment with faith in the genetic health in your puppy for its lifetime. Careful consideration is taken into account in all of our breeding pairings. Exceptional genetics don’t just happen. They require research, patience, time & money. Our pricing is reflective of this. Our puppy program consistently produces confident, social, laid back, non dominant & non submissive puppies. We start potty training at 5 weeks to have your puppy well on its way in the potty game by the time they go to their forever home. Our Goldendoodles are family first. They sleep in our beds, get up on the furniture & have free range of the house & yard. My doodles are my life’s passion. I put every ounce of my heart & soul into my pack & my puppies. I spare no expense & cut no corners or time in my passionate devotion to the quality of love & care that my pack & our puppies receive. We have a beautiful rainbow variety of puppy coat colours & patterns available ranging from gold, white, apricot & chocolate solids & partis. We have ONLY ONE RARE tricolour black abstract phantom & ONLY ONE RARE tricolour black parti phantom. *Puppies come with a 2 year genetic health guarantee. *Lifetime breeder support *4 weeks of Trupanion health insurance *7 day allergy full return warranty (please inform me if allergies are a potential issue ahead of time). I have 3 families with pups from 3 different litters who all came to me with extreme allergies including hives & anaphylaxis from dog saliva, hair of dander. None of those 3 people has ever had a reaction to their goldendoodle in the past 2-6 years. *Puppies go home with a fantastic go home bag including such things as a car seatbelt, car harness, leash, collar, blanket & toys that smell like momma, litter mates & home to comfort them in their transition to their new forever family. *first set of vaccinations, vet exam, dewormed & microchipped We are as hypoallergenic as dogs can be and we don’t shed. We have been breeding Goldendoodles for 13 years. You can see our 5 star reviews on our Google business profile & Facebook business page. Remember you are investing in your family, a dog is a 10-15 year commitment and you want to provide him with the best health opportunities & life longevity that come with proper breeding. I have a lifetime Rehome policy. Your dog will never be an issue for the shelter situation. We require a non breeding, spay & neuter contract to be signed before taking possession of your puppy. I do not sell breeding rights. Our dogs & pups are sold solely for the purpose of a family member & pet. Luka is 47lbs Betty is 37lbs Blanche is 40lbs Breezy is 43lbs Thor is 55lbs Stan is 50lbs Our female pups range from 40-60lbs. 45-50 on average Our male pups range from 47-80lbs. 55-60 on average Pups sold on strictly enforced non-breeding, spay-neuter contract. They are sold as pets only, no breeding rights. You can check out website Follow us Facebook Find us Facebook Google Business; ColioCo Doodles TikTok @colioco.doodles Instagram @coliocodoodles.crazydoodlelady Call or text 587-572-9164
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