Savage model 111 7mm Rem Mag$650
537views1 year ago
Savage model 111 7mm Rem Mag - 1 - 1017086-1710090916
Savage model 111 7mm Rem Mag - 2 - 1017086-1710090916_0
Savage model 111 7mm Rem Mag - 3 - 1017086-1710090916_1
Savage model 111 7mm Rem Mag - 4 - 1017086-1710090916_2
Selling off most of my guns and this is one of them. Savage model 111 7mm Rem Mag. 5 years old and maybe 2 boxes of shells fired through it. Comes with scope mounts. Adjustable muzzle break and accutrigger. It's a great gun to shoot. I have shells as well but sold separately. Need to see proof of PAL before sale. Located in Swift Current Firm on price as this is already a great price.
Savage model 111 7mm Rem Mag · Sporting Goods in Swift Current · TownPost