Savage 110 tactial 6.5 creedmoor$1800
138views11 months ago
Savage 110 tactial 6.5 creedmoor - 1 - 1034633-1714261344
Selling my savage 110 tactical in 6.5 creedmoor. Comes with vortex viper pst gen 2 3-15×44. Gun is sighted in and come with 50 rounds of ammo. I have the ballistics for long range aswell. Very accurate. 140 rounds through the gun. Reason for selling is to clear debt. Pal required price is firm no trades. Local pickup in whitecourt. Text 780 655 3093
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Savage 110 tactial 6.5 creedmoor · Sporting Goods in Whitecourt · TownPost