Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies$250
578views12 months ago
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 1 - 1020488-1710863014
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 2 - 1020488-1710863014_0
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 3 - 1020488-1710863014_1
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Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 5 - 1020488-1710863014_3
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 6 - 1020488-1710863014_4
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 7 - 1020488-1710863014_5
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Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 9 - 1020488-1710863014_7
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 10 - 1020488-1710863014_8
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Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 12 - 1020488-1711329825
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 13 - 1020488-1711329825_0
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 14 - 1020488-1711329825_1
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 15 - 1020488-1711329825_2
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 16 - 1020488-1711329825_3
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 17 - 1020488-1711329825_4
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 18 - 1020488-1711329825_5
Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies - 19 - 1020488-1711329825_6
Ready for homes now! 5 girls and 2 boys still available Meet mom, my 3 year old German shepherd, Daisy, and meet Dad, a 6 year old Goldendoodle. Together, they created 9 of these 8 week old adorable puppies (3 boys and 6 girls). These two innately well tempered, trainable, nurtured, immensely loved, and attentively interactive dogs have created the perfect puppies for your loving home, family, heart, and lifestyle. I'd like to help find them their perfect FURever home. If you or someone you know are interested, please reach out and let me know. They are officially for sale, ready for visits, and ready for their FURever home now. Thank you for taking a look, reading through, and considering for yourself or someone you know. Sincerely.
Phone: 403-597-7807
Ad Id: 1020488

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Goldendoodle X German Shepherd puppies · Pets and Animals in Sylvan Lake · TownPost