Savage 110$1500
232views5 days ago
Savage 110 - 1 - 1734834501007_1000036259
Savage 110 - 2 - 1734834501007_1000036258
Savage 110 - 3 - 1734834501007_1000036261
Savage 110 - 4 - 1734834501007_1000036260
Savage 110 - 5 - 1734834501007_1000036263
Savage 110 - 6 - 1734834501007_1000036265
Savage 110 - 7 - 1734834501007_1000036264
Savage 110 - 8 - 1734834501007_1000036266
Savage 110 - 9 - 1734834501007_1000036269
Savage 110 - 10 - 1734834501007_1000036268
Savage 110 270 wsm with everything powder lead brass two stocks black is factory Coyote tan is aluminium bedded rails 2 4 round mags for tan and 4 round for black stock any questions just MSN me comes with dies and load development for the 150S.Ss.S s t obo