Savage Model 111 30-06 with Bushnell 3x9x40 scope$500.00
1.8Kviews6 days ago
Savage Model 111 30-06 with Bushnell 3x9x40 scope - 1 - 1021277-1711043392
Savage Model 111 30-06 with Bushnell 3x9x40 scope - 2 - 1021277-1711043392_0
Savage Model 111 30-06 with Bushnell 3x9x40 scope - 3 - 1021277-1711043392_1
Savage Model 111 30-06 with Bushnell 3x9x40 scope - 4 - 1021277-1711043392_2
Savage Model 111 30-06 with Bushnell 3x9x40 scope - 5 - 1021277-1711043392_3
Savage Model 111 30-06 with Bushnell 3x9x40 scope - 6 - 1021277-1711043392_4
Savage Model 111 30-06 with Bushnell 3x9x40 scope Scope in pictures not included will have Bushnell scope with it $500.00 OBO