Remington model P17, .30-06 bolt action, w/ bbl length 24" 10 Round Mag$450
62views5 days ago
Remington model P17, .30-06 bolt action, w/ bbl length 24" 10 Round Mag - 1 - 1742535612727_161757
Remington model P17, .30-06 bolt action, w/ bbl length 24" 10 Round Mag - 2 - 1742535620044_161764
Remington model P17, .30-06 bolt action, w/ bbl length 24" 10 Round Mag - 3 - 1742535536703_4e85b525-6336-495c-b487-fc7141d3850c-1_all_161782
Remington model P17, .30-06 bolt action, w/ bbl length 24" 10 Round Mag - 4 - 1742535636531_161773
Remington model P17, .30-06 bolt action, w/ bbl length 24" 10 Round Mag - 5 - 1742535632030_161765
Remington model P17, .30-06 bolt action, w/ bbl length 24" 10 Round Mag - 6 - 1742535536703_4e85b525-6336-495c-b487-fc7141d3850c-1_all_161779
Remington model P17, .30-06 bolt action, w/ bbl length 24" 10 Round Mag - 7 - 1742535625786_161768
Remington model P17, .30-06 bolt action, w/ bbl length 24" 10 Round Mag - 8 - 1742535536704_4e85b525-6336-495c-b487-fc7141d3850c-1_all_161772
Non-Restricted rifle Remington model P17, .30-06 bolt action, w/ bbl length 24" [Blued barrel and receiver. Fixed front, no rear sight. Fitted with Universal 4X32 scope. Sporterized wooden Monte Carlo stock with aluminum butt plate. Fitted with sling mounts. Marked NOT ENGLISH MAKE, logo with crown and BM on left side of receiver. Other markings include .30/06 NITRO PROOF etc. on barrel, BM logo on bolt but no serial number seen etc. Mechanically appears to function reasonably well. Bluing worn in use and handling areas. Two drilled and tapped holes on right side of receiver with corresponding notch removed on stock, presumably from once attached rear peep sight. Handling and storage marks on wood and metal. CFP/RCMP courtesy of Bill C-71 require any firearm to have a transfer registration number approved by the CFT to sell, give or transfer as of MAY 18, 2022. Seller needs the full name and PAL of the buyer with DOB and email as on file with the CFP. Seller then submits information on the RCMP CFP Individual Web Services which confirms the buyers PAL as valid or not with a Reference Number. Failure to do so is subject to Sections 99 & 101 of the Criminal code
Phone: 8256096098
Town: Saskatoon
Ad Id: 1120051

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Remington model P17, .30-06 bolt action, w/ bbl length 24" 10 Round Mag · Sporting Goods in Saskatoon · TownPost