BSA Model P17 30-06 23" barrel internal 4+1 Hinge Plate Mag$500
35views3 days ago
BSA Model P17 30-06 23" barrel internal 4+1 Hinge Plate Mag - 1 - 1742776815405_1000008349
BSA Model P17 30-06 23" barrel internal 4+1 Hinge Plate Mag - 2 - 1742776815405_1000008350
BSA Model P17 30-06 23" barrel internal 4+1 Hinge Plate Mag - 3 - 1742776815405_1000008351
BSA Model P17 30-06 23" barrel internal 4+1 Hinge Plate Mag - 4 - 1742776815405_1000008352
BSA Model P17 30-06 23" barrel internal 4+1 Hinge Plate Mag - 5 - 1742776815405_1000008353
BSA Model P17 30-06 23" barrel internal 4+1 Hinge Plate Mag - 6 - 1742776855383_1000008354
BSA Model P17 30-06 23" barrel internal 4+1 Hinge Plate Mag - 7 - 1742776815405_1000008355
BSA Model P17 30-06 23" barrel internal 4+1 Hinge Plate Mag - 8 - 1742776815405_1000008356
BSA Model P17 30-06 23" barrel internal 4+1 Hinge Plate Mag - 9 - 1742776815405_1000008357
BSA Model P17 30-06 23" barrel internal 5+1 Hinge Plate Mag. Monte Carlo right handed stock, Adjustable rear sight with protected front hooded blade sight. Front and rear swivel mounts. Receiver is drilled and tapped for scope base mounts Made in England. Blueing is solid and the stock is in very good condition. Bore is shinny with good rifling. Canadian Non-restricted The M1917 Enfield, the "American Enfield", formally named "United States Rifle, cal .30, Model of 1917" is an American modification and production of the .303-inch (7.7 mm) Pattern 1914 Enfield (P14) rifle (listed in British Service as Rifle No. 3), which was developed and manufactured during the period 1917–1918. Numerically, it was the main rifle used by the American Expeditionary Forces in Europe during World War I.Thisbmodel was known as the P17 and chambered in 30-06 Springfield . The Danish Sirius Dog Sled Patrol in Greenland still use the M1917, which performs reliably in Arctic conditions, as their service weapon. CFP/RCMP courtesy of Bill C-71 require any firearm to have a transfer registration number approved by the CFT to sell, give or transfer as of MAY 18, 2022. Seller needs the full name and PAL of the buyer with DOB and email as on file with the CFP. Seller then submits information on the RCMP CFP Individual Web Services which confirms the buyers PAL as valid or not with a Reference Number. Failure to do so is subject to Sections 99 & 101 of the Criminal code.
BSA Model P17 30-06 23" barrel internal 4+1 Hinge Plate Mag · Sporting Goods in Saskatoon · TownPost