2017 Lowe Aura River Boat 16'$15,000. OBO
119views9 months ago
2017 Lowe Aura River Boat 16' - 1 - 1046591-1717450164
2017 Lowe Aura River Boat 16' - 2 - 1046591-1717450164_0
2017 Lowe Aura River Boat 16' - 3 - 1046591-1717450164_1
16' Lowe river boat, has 25 HP, 4 stroke Mercury motor, jet leg. Electric start, electrical panel, electric bilge pump. Easy to handle and load. Karavan trailer. Like new 10 hours.
Phone: 780-689-0580
Town: Athabasca
Ad Id: 1046591
User: Guest User

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