Britiah Small Arms 30-06$650
88views5 days ago
Britiah Small Arms 30-06 - 1 - 1742568300633_20250305_163421
Britiah Small Arms 30-06 - 2 - 1742568300634_20250305_163350
Britiah Small Arms 30-06 - 3 - 1742568300634_20250305_163319
Britiah Small Arms 30-06 - 4 - 1742568300634_20250305_163241
Britiah Small Arms 30-06 - 5 - 1742568300634_20250305_163234
Beautiful and vintage 30-06, with wooden stock. No sights, although I could include a Vortex Crossfiire 2 scope (not pictured) Can comes with 1 and a half boxes of rounds. Sporterized and after market trigger. WW2 Allied sniper rifle. Price is OBO
Britiah Small Arms 30-06 · Sporting Goods in Calgary · TownPost