German Shephard Mix Puppies$300
125views2 months ago
German Shephard Mix Puppies - 1 - 1736868694068_1000012581
German Shephard Mix Puppies - 2 - 1736868694069_1000012592
German Shephard Mix Puppies - 3 - 1736868694069_1000012591
German Shephard Mix Puppies - 4 - 1736868694069_1000012588
German Shephard Mix Puppies - 5 - 1736868694069_1000012593
German Shephard Mix Puppies - 6 - 1736868694069_1000012583
German Shephard Mix Puppies - 7 - 1736868694069_1000012590
German Shephard Mix Puppies - 8 - 1736868694069_1000012582
German Shephard Mix Puppies - 9 - 1736868694069_1000012595
Photo 3 is the only male, we have 9 puppies all with their own little personality! Born on November 21st so they will be ready to go Jan 15th.
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Town: Edmonton
Ad Id: 1112511
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