Mossberg 340B 22 S, L, LR $550.00
1 week ago39.03Kimpressions3.6Kclicks
Mossberg 340B 22 S, L, LR  - 1 - 839767-1673808945
Mossberg 340B 22 S, L, LR  - 2 - 839767-1673808945_0
Mossberg 340B 22 S, L, LR  - 3 - 839767-1673808945_1
Mossberg 340B 22 S, L, LR  - 4 - 839767-1673808945_2
Excellent condition, very accurate, deluxe Monte Carlo walnut stock, 7 round mag., 23.5 " barrel, Comes with scope rings and 3 - 9 x 40 Bushnell rifle scope. Made in the late 60s or early 70s. Please call 250 510 3585. No texts or emails thanks. Located in Hinton. 550.00 obo.
Mossberg 340B 22 S, L, LR · Sporting Goods in Hinton · TownPost