Weatherby Mark V Varmintmaster Rifle (1973) - 224 Weatherby Magnum$4500.00
59views2 days ago
Weatherby Mark V Varmintmaster Rifle  (1973) -  224 Weatherby Magnum - 1 - 1742792526188_IMG_7837
Weatherby Mark V Varmintmaster Rifle  (1973) -  224 Weatherby Magnum - 2 - 1742792536156_IMG_7838
Weatherby Mark V Varmintmaster Rifle (1973) - 224 Weatherby Magnum - 24" Barrel, Deluxe Pistol Grip Checkered Walnut Stock Metal Blue - 99%, Wood Finish - 99% West German Manufacture by Sauer. $4500.00 Included: 30mm Talley Base & Rings 4 Boxes (20) - 224 Weatherby Magnum Ammunition - Fox Picture Box --- DO NOT USE THE MESSAGING SYSTEM ! Phone Calls (No Texting) 403-885-2149 or E-mail - Click on my name "Jack Daniels" under the post date below to see my other ads
Weatherby Mark V Varmintmaster Rifle (1973) - 224 Weatherby Magnum · Sporting Goods in Lacombe · TownPost