HSM .44-40 Win (44WCF) Ammo **Brand New Cowboy Loads**$150
26views5 days ago
HSM .44-40 Win (44WCF) Ammo **Brand New Cowboy Loads** - 1 - 1742579773802_HSM 44-40 WCF Ammo A
HSM .44-40 Win (44WCF) Ammo **Brand New Cowboy Loads** - 2 - 1742579821982_HSM 44-40 WCF Ammo C
HSM .44-40 Win (44WCF) Ammo **Brand New Cowboy Loads** - 3 - 1742579848864_HSM 44-40 WCF Ammo D
Yes, that’s right, you read correctly ! HSM .44-40 Win (44WCF)- Brand new factory fresh ammo, 200gr round nose flat point 50rds per box / Cowboy loads $150 per box of 50rds - firm! No trades or offers accepted. **Limited Quantity** First batch sold within a few hours...this is all that is left that I can find, no more available after this! I haven't been able to find any 44-40 Win ammo since Covid started except the little bit that dribbled in from private sales here and there. Shipping extra and available within Canada at buyers expense. 1-2 boxes - $25 for shipping 3-4 boxes - $30 EMT (shipped) or cash (pick up) Valid PAL req - no exceptions
HSM .44-40 Win (44WCF) Ammo **Brand New Cowboy Loads** · Sporting Goods in Lethbridge · TownPost