SxS/atv raised cattle gaurds/incinerators$1234
374views•1 year ago
Sidebyside/atv cattle gaurds($1300), never have had anything try to cross these being raised and so long with large gaps its to much for a cows depth perception to try to even test them, 10ft long, 6.7ft wide, 18inch off ground, work for 65" sidebysides, very heavy duty, 1 inch rod runners. Can also add a gate up top if desired. Expecially handy during calving if running threw cattle several times a day. can also build longer more heavyvduty bridges for creek crossings in pastures. Heavy duty gravity fed double rope oilers, Also sell best quality replacement ropes at best price($425 a pair) (only one thats sells 3.5" replacements, thus lasting longer, and still fit all rope oilers) can ship ropes. $1850 for complete oiler. Incinerators standard size $1850, double size $3500 very large incinerator 1100lbs, look great, safer with mesh covered exhaust, work better than propane tank incinerators cause of the large air gap underneath the burn grate, and proper intake air to exhaust and long chimney for a strong draft and easy ignition, clean out door in back, there quite loud when they first get burning, burn waste quite fast, great for bale twine. call 403-580-64five7 located near orion ab, delivery may be possible, or deals on quantity . Also build wildfire fireskid units, septic/well lids. Thanks!!