N.O.S. Unissued US military "Hardened" 1911A1 Pistol Slide$400.00
5 months ago2.19Kimpressions210clicks
N.O.S. Unissued US military "Hardened" 1911A1 Pistol Slide - 1 - 1097668-1729965097
N.O.S. Unissued US military "Hardened" 1911A1 Pistol Slide - 2 - 1097668-1729965097_0
N.O.S. Unissued US military "Hardened" 1911A1 Pistol Slide - 3 - 1097668-1729965097_1
N.O.S. Unissued US military "Hardened" 1911A1 Pistol Slide - 4 - 1097668-1729965097_2
Here's the chance to get a fairly rare item for your pistol. This is a genuine US Military replacement slide. This one was manufactured by L.A.R. Manufacturing Inc. in the U.S., a large military contractor. You know the quality is going to be excellent. These were fully hardened, giving them exceptional wear characteristics. Never been installed, still needs both sights, which I can also supply from my large inventory of genuine USGI parts including many more genuine 1911, 1911A1 and National Match parts. Looks to be finished in a satin type of Black Oxide, not Parkerizing. Original finish. Overall in outstanding brand new condition. More pictures available. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Phone: 5197234009
Town: Ontario
Ad Id: 1097668

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N.O.S. Unissued US military "Hardened" 1911A1 Pistol Slide · Sporting Goods in Ontario · TownPost