COOEY model 75$200
1 year ago2.62Kimpressions198clicks
COOEY model 75 - 1 - 1024785-1711820950
COOEY model 75 - 2 - 1024785-1711820950_0
COOEY model 75 - 3 - 1024785-1711820950_1
COOEY model 75 - 4 - 1024785-1711820950_2
COOEY model 75 - 5 - 1024785-1711820950_3
COOEY model 75 - 6 - 1024785-1711820950_4
Carabine COOEY, mod. 75, cal. 22 à un coup, longueur totale 43 po, bon état, usure normale et égratignures de surface du vernis. PPA requis, enregistré SIAF (résident du Québec seulement) Prix 200$ + expédition. Rifle COOEY, mod. 75, one shot, total length 43 in., condition good, normal wear, surface scratches to the varnish. PAL required; SIAF registered (Quebec resident only) Price 200$ + shipping.
Phone: 4505668637
Town: Québec
Ad Id: 1024785

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COOEY model 75 · Sporting Goods in Québec · TownPost