NIB Trijicon 3x30 TA87 ACOG killflashes and TA51 flat top ACOG mounts$150
3 months ago1.12Kimpressions89clicks
NIB Trijicon 3x30 TA87 ACOG killflashes and TA51 flat top ACOG mounts - 1 - 1064529-1721367973
NIB Trijicon 3x30 TA87 ACOG killflashes and TA51 flat top ACOG mounts - 2 - 1064529-1721367973_0
NIB Trijicon 3x30 TA87 ACOG killflashes and TA51 flat top ACOG mounts - 3 - 1064529-1721367973_1
NIB Trijicon 3x30 TA87 ACOG killflashes and TA51 flat top ACOG mounts - 4 - 1064529-1721367973_2
I have 7 new Trijicon TA87 Tenebrex killflash anti reflective devices for the TA33 3x30 model of ACOG scopes. These are all aluminum and thread directly to the TA33 ACOG. These retail for $250.00 before tax at RDSC. I also have 2 brand new TA51 Trijicon flat top ACOG mounts, these are the classics with the two thumb screws for securement. TA87 Trijicon ACOG killflash: $150.00 plus shipping TA51 Trijicon ACOG mount: $75.00 plus shipping Shipping is on the buyer Local meet up available central alberta EMT for payment or cash for face to face deal
Phone: 587-447-8713
Town: Red Deer
Ad Id: 1064529

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NIB Trijicon 3x30 TA87 ACOG killflashes and TA51 flat top ACOG mounts · Sporting Goods in Red Deer · TownPost