First Run (New Condition) Original Steam 1001 Controller *RARE*$1
59views•1 month ago
I have a like new unused simply tested with full inserts packaging and everything that came with the original first run of Steam controllers model 1001 and since discountinued after 4 iterations, this may actually be one of the marketed prototype /offical launch after concept so based on this and the model id its very rare and does work well still for not only Steam but other systems has the original circular duel “clicker” type d-pads. open to offers or potential trade in something of value like bullion or old gold and silver coinages namely, possibly gold chain/bracelet the more pure the better and or diamonds over 0.3, depending on current auction values or numismatics open to barter I know that there are some hardcore collectors out there and these are becoming somewhat priceless due to scarcity and now that they are a big piece of gaming history and the peripheries are discontinued also compatibility with Steamdeck etc could be a special high demand one of a kind device for fans. so hit me up if interested im easy going and open to legit negotiations and potential trades of things involving arms, antique US or EUM precious metals and bullion etc.