Upright Cooler$1700.00
106views9 months ago
Upright Cooler - 1 - 1049956-1718049261
Upright Cooler - 2 - 1049956-1718049261_0
Upright Cooler - 3 - 1049956-1718049261_1
Upright Cooler for sale $1700.00 2ft x 5ft x 5ft 8 in.Works well.Was used to chill vegetables during summer months.We put new tempered glass doors in 3 years ago.Unit is in good condition and runs well.ATT:hunters-would work well to hang small animal. Phone Elizabeth 780-349-1461
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Phone: 780-349-1461
Town: Westlock
Ad Id: 1049956
User: Guest User

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