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Supper Mattress Twin Brand new 3 months used $150
18views2 days ago
Supper Mattress Twin Brand new 3 months used  - 1 - 1742595420766_IMG_2272
Supper Mattress Twin Brand new 3 months used  - 2 - 1742595433465_IMG_2275
Supper Mattress Twin Brand new 3 months used  - 3 - 1742595444710_IMG_2276
Supper Mattress Twin Brand new 3 months used  - 4 - 1742595461468_IMG_2277
Brand New Mattress 39 inches (Twin) It is 12 inches thick, bagged springs with memory foam and a pillow top 2 inches and grade firm. I used in a crew house in Whitecourt from Jan 3rd to today. My working season been very short in Logging and do not want bring back home. The store value between $450 to 500. I purchase on line and got it to 300 MY price is 150$ My phone is 403-650-2609 and I stay here till next Wednesday March 26, interested call me. Andre
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