For sale 1979 c-300 RV$1500.00
526views4 months ago
For sale 1979 c-300 RV - 1 - 1104237-1731600663
For sale 1979 c-300 RV - 2 - 1104237-1731600663_0
For sale 1979 c-300 RV - 3 - 1104237-1731600663_1
For sale 1979 c-300 RV - 4 - 1104237-1731600663_2
A nice little gmc motor home turn key and camp ,stove,sinks good rubber, glass no leaks cool in summer warm in winter 80.000 km no mice front end not pretty but absolutely road worthy functioning bathroom , will toss ing generator. Do to recent health diagnosis must sell has been covered ever winter
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