Winchester Model 53 Take Down - 25-20 Win - circa 1926$7250.00
1.4Kviews1 day ago
Winchester Model 53 Take Down - 25-20 Win - circa 1926 - 1 - 999492-1706474232
Winchester Model 53 Take Down - 25-20 Win - circa 1926 - 2 - 999492-1706474232_0
Winchester Model 53 (1926) Take Down - 25-20 Win, 22" Barrel, Half Magazine, Take Down Receiver, Win 98A Receiver Peep Sight. Excellent bore and original condition. $7250.00 --- DO NOT USE THE MESSAGING SYSTEM ! Phone Calls (No Texting) 403-885-2149 or E-mail - Click on my name "Jack Daniels" under the post date below to see my other ads