First introduced in 1865 and produced continuously until 1892. The Smith & Wesson Model 1 1/2 was Smith & Wesson's second .32 caliber revolver, intended to combine the small size and convenience of the .22 caliber Model 1 with the larger caliber of the 6-shot "belt sized" Model 2, which was introduced in 1860. Chambered in .32 cal, its cylinder held 5 shots. It was produced in three varieties, termed "issues" by S&W, with total production exceeding 223,000.
The First Issue Model 1 1/2 had a non-fluted cylinder and a flat-bottomed "square" grip and was chambered for .32 rimfire ammunition, and approximately 26,000 were produced. The Second Issue had a fluted cylinder and barrel, and a more comfortable and attractive rounded "bird's head" style grip. This version saw production of around 100,000.
The Third Issue was quite a departure from the previous two, and is officially termed the "Model No. 1 1/2 Single Action Revolver". Unlike the first two issues, this was a top-break design, consistent with the Safety Hammerless or S&W .38 Single Action design. It can be readily distinguished from the first two issues by the large hinge in the front of the frame below the barrel, and the lack of an ejector rod. The grip is rounded at the butt and is similar in appearance
to that on the 2nd Issue. Most importantly, this revolver debuted the .32 S&W centerfire cartridge.
This example bears the serial number 104588 on the butt. The grip plates are original made from a natural BAKELITE-like material called Gutta Percha.
Overall condition is good, though a lot of past pitting. The barrel shows lands and grooves but is somewhat worn, and the latch spring is unfortunately broken.
These small pistols were a favorite of Gamblers and Ladies of the Night: these little revolvers saved a lot of souls no doubt.
Open to offers. Will travel to meet within reason.