Swedish Mauser 6.5x55mm 1896 Mauser Action 23" barrel 5+1 hinge plate$425
48views2 days ago
Swedish Mauser 6.5x55mm  1896 Mauser Action  23" barrel 5+1 hinge plate - 1 - 1742784268307_1000008374
Swedish Mauser 6.5x55mm  1896 Mauser Action  23" barrel 5+1 hinge plate - 2 - 1742784268307_1000008375
Swedish Mauser 6.5x55mm  1896 Mauser Action  23" barrel 5+1 hinge plate - 3 - 1742784268307_1000008376
Swedish Mauser 6.5x55mm  1896 Mauser Action  23" barrel 5+1 hinge plate - 4 - 1742784268307_1000008377
Swedish Mauser 6.5x55mm  1896 Mauser Action  23" barrel 5+1 hinge plate - 5 - 1742784268307_1000008378
Swedish Mauser 6.5x55mm  1896 Mauser Action  23" barrel 5+1 hinge plate - 6 - 1742784268307_1000008379
Swedish Mauser 6.5x55mm  1896 Mauser Action  23" barrel 5+1 hinge plate - 7 - 1742784268307_1000008380
Swedish Mauser 6.5x55mm, Sporter stock in good condition with butt pad cushion, swivel mounts, semi pistol grip with base cap. Knurling is in good condition. Adjustable rear sight for elevation. Overall good condition. Receiver is tapped for scope mount bases. All Swedish Mausers other than trials rifles were chambered for the 6.5×55mm Swedish cartridge, and all Swedish-made actions were proof-tested with a single 6.5×55mm proof round developing approximately 455 MPa (65,992 psi) piezo pressure (55,000 CUP).[4][5] Swedish Mausers were manufactured by Waffenfabrik Mauser AG in Oberndorf a/N in Germany and in Sweden by Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori and Husqvarna Vapenfabriks Aktiebolag. All Swedish Mausers, whether built in Germany or Sweden, were fabricated using a Swedish-supplied high grade tool steel alloyed with nickel, copper, and vanadium, a product then noted for its strength and corrosion resistance. These rifles, like other pre-M 98 system Mauser rifles, lack the third safety locking lug at the rear of the bolt and feature "cock-on-closing" (similar to the contemporary Lee–Enfield rifle). CFP/RCMP courtesy of Bill C-71 require any firearm to have a transfer registration number approved by the CFT to sell, give or transfer as of MAY 18, 2022. Seller needs the full name and PAL of the buyer with DOB and email as on file with the CFP. Seller then submits information on the RCMP CFP Individual Web Services which confirms the buyers PAL as valid or not with a Reference Number. Failure to do so is subject to Sections 99 & 101 of the Criminal code.
Swedish Mauser 6.5x55mm 1896 Mauser Action 23" barrel 5+1 hinge plate · Sporting Goods in Saskatoon · TownPost