Tavor X95 plus 9mm Conversion$4000
815views8 months ago
Tavor X95 plus 9mm Conversion - 1 - 1057126-1719525064
Tavor X95 plus 9mm Conversion - 2 - 1057126-1719525064_0
Tavor X95 plus 9mm Conversion - 3 - 1057126-1719525064_1
Tavor X95 plus 9mm Conversion - 4 - 1057126-1719525064_2
Tavor X95 plus 9mm Conversion - 5 - 1057126-1719525064_3
Tavor X95 plus 9mm Conversion - 6 - 1057126-1719525064_4
Looking to sell my Tavor X95 as there is something else I have my eyes on. Imported it through iRUNGUNS recently and it is in unfired/new condition. Comes with everything that it shipped with and a Manticore Optimus forend. Also comes with IWI factory 9mm Conversion kit. Shipping on the buyer. Looking for cash but you can try your trade/offers. Would also accept a trade for an ODG Tavor X95. Can also accommodate a local sale anywhere in the Fraser Valley/Metro Vancouver area.